Thursday, January 19, 2006

Der Film Haus

So I'm sitting in my lit class. american writers 1910-1945...and I am struck by the overwhelming ammount of uninteresting people actually take night classes...this sounds like elitism (a characteristic of modernism! look at me learning), but I am not saying i AM interesting, just commenting on how uninteresting alot of these people are. Kevin the Black and overtly homosexul 40 year-old "senior" (i put this in quotations because the man was a senior when i was a freshmen...first semester freshmen at that) and this man KNOWS EVERYTHING! it became a game of mine to count the grunts that signaled either his agreement or complete distain for what the professor...sorry sorry...DR was saying (she does not respond to professor, only DR....its not like she can perform surgery...or could save a life, unless as someone was dying from cancer they suddenly had a medical breakthrough showing that only a cited thesis paper about neo-gothic literature could possibly save this poor cancer ridden person's life!). but kevin...yes....kevin....if we weren't sure that he was A) Black or B) Gay....he sure made us realize it every time he opened his mouth (mostly by making blow job gestures at the good DR. every time she said something he disagreed with). But other than being the most militant gay man i have ever encountered he is also completely convinced he is the smartest man alive...which is its not! AT ALL! goddamn you Kevin you almost had my fooled!....the good DR of this class is a 30ish elfin woman who looks as through she stepped straight out of Tolkein's universe, which pleased Creepy Jesus (creepy jesus is the self described fantasy dork who talks to himself and has a visible erection at the sight of our elfish DR. not because she is attractive, but rather because she DOES so closely resemble an elf...he has questions about peter jackson im sure..and can probably confess his love for her in her own language)....the class itself also contains a waif french girl who comes straight from a degas painting, but is slathered in abercrombie as opposed to delicate pink and white, she has trouble with the language...we have one of JLo's back up dancer and the obligatory 50 year old woman who's favorite author is Danielle Steele (this is not a joke) but i admire the desire to learn......but we did have to do ice breakers which would be fine....if i was still in 4th grade and was afraid of girls and my i wrote about one of the larges existetial dilemmas of our time: In the 90's cartoon James Bond Jr. the title character is James Bond's NEPHEW...not his son, so my dillemma is this: knowing this information, would the former still hold the title of JR? because I dont think so....unless James Bond Sr. (gramppy bond i suppose) names ALL of his children James know, like George Forman did? well I do not believe this is the case because Jr. Bond never MENTIONS his parents, only his SWEET ASS uncle....i dont know...maybe the world will never know


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