Wednesday, February 01, 2006

bereaucratic bullshit

im a trouble-maker...a rabble-rouser as they so delightfully called me in tongues that vaguley resemble that of 1920 gin bootleggers...who even uses that term anymore "rabble-rouser" i am a threat to the university and to the athletic administration. The problem here is this: FACE BOOK. I spoke out against the perils of facebook and its inherent ability to foster stalkers and the obvious pornographic and social ramifications it could have. I named names. And to do that is to nail yourself to a cross of ink and newsprint. I am not officially Loyola's most wanted as far as causing disturbances and scenes as they call them. I am not under close watch for the fact that i spoke freely and openly about something that I felt could hurt people...even though the newspaper article was about the ban of student athletes on this phenomenon known as FACE BOOK. I am now imbued with even more fuel for my fire and intend to make as much of a "scene" as i possibly can before i leave this place, and it will be more than some petty internet humdrum....also my film premiered tonight...and it was WELL recieved and i spoke out against the dangers of the administration and freedom of speech and was once again censored for my words, this time amidst at least a hundred of my peers...front pages...i can see it now, the black helicopters circling my apartment...all in good time...scott you know this all too well, you know the dangers and you are the only one who can understand. god bless this fucking country and its demand for higher learning!


Blogger Jordan Forever said...

(shrugs), waddya expect? Its what Kierkegaard called being "levelled" (sp mistakes aside)...theres a trail of blood and roses leading to the living.

5:37 AM  

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