Monday, February 27, 2006


awoke in a panic...deep burning in my gut, the pang of fear that one feels when they have been mentally molested. horrible dream..if i had been 12 years younger i would have been crying upon my startle. Dream involved a documentary I was watching about a Bolivian revolutionary named moroco moroho (not real as far as i know) and he had been captured by the Bolivian government. The odd circumstances are this: this film i was watching had the look and feel of a very real documentary, narrator, various footage, editing, graphics,etc...and the use of both stock newsreel footage and handheld footage of this man. the first image is of this man sitting on a floor bound in olive fatigues looking up desperate and unforgiving at the camera. various shots of the poor people of Bolivia...and then the execution of the revolutionary. He is drawn and quartered, but in a very different way...the documentary cuts to a shot (old 16mm color footage) of an open field, slightly rolling hills and various men carrying automatic fire arms meandering. the focal point of this scene is a device made of what appears to be sheet meta and various other types of metal(basically anything they could get their hands on) the device looks very frankenstein in nature...there are piece protruding for the man's legs and arms and his head which is covered in a burlap sack...there is no sound to this execution. machinery pulls the ropes tight and the arm and leg pieces are ripped from the device and a hydraulic piece decapitates the head from the body. blood runs over the putrid metal...these scenes are repeated in the documentary several times....i woke up nearly screaming....this documentary seemed real and yet ostensibly was completely fabricated in my head....not sure what this implies


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